Los primeros dìas de mayo del 2012 anunciàbamos entusiasmados la ediciòn
del split entre Sangrìa y Sourvein, gracias al contacto que logramos
obtener con T.Roy Medlin, vocalista y frontman de esta banda. El estatus
de Sourvein como una banda con tintes icònicos en la escena del sludge
nos motivò a
gestionar lo màs ràpido posible los fondos que se nos
solicitaron para poder grabar los temas
que la banda eventualmente pondrìa en este disco split. Cumplimos en
tiempo rècord (considerando que somos un sello pequeño,
autogestionado...situaciòn de la cual TRoy estuvo siempre al tanto) con
el acuerdo de enviar US $400, lo que comprometìa el envìo de los master
de la banda estadounidense las primeras semanas de Junio y asi mientras,
nosotros, junto a Sangrìa, trabajarìamos en el material a editar, el
arte y la gestiòn de los fondos para la producciòn final.
problemas surgieron en el momento en que quisimos formalizar, (mediante
un documento que sellara el proyecto) los acuerdos a los que habìamos
llegado de manera amistosa vìa varios emails y conversaciones por FB. De
manera sorpresiva, Medlin comenzò a enredar los acuerdos, a desconocer
parte de las conversaciones, sobretodo argumentando el hecho de que
Sourvein NO podìa ser editado en CD, sòlo en vinilo, lo que se escapa
completamente de nuetra realidad econòmica.
A partir de ahi, se
sucedieron varias misivas donde claramente nuestras posiciones se
fueron separando y la desidia con la cual el aludido abordò la situaciòn
(excusàndose con los tours de la banda durante varios meses), terminò
por colmar nuestra paciencia y preferimos dar paso al lado y abordar
otros proyectos en carpeta, para lo cual pedimos el retorno de nuestros
fondos (septiembre). El plazo inicial de retorno de nuestros U$400 era
la ùltima semana de octubre, fecha desde la cual, TRoy solo ha enlodado
aùn màs la situaciòn argumentando malos entendidos,envìos falsos yun
largo etcètera.
Finalmente hemos optado por abandonar la
bùsqueda de nuestros fondos y dejar al descubierto esta situaciòn
motivados principalmente en desenmascarar a quien señalamos como un cara
de raja y ripofeador descarado. Ojalà nuestras latosa experiencia sirva
a otros sellos pequeños, productores y promotores a no caer en el juego
de falsos ìdolos que finalmente solo buscan sacar provecho de su mal
ganada fama. Solo nos queda el "consuelo" que actuamos de buena forma,
tratamos de ser profesionales y serios en el proyecto, principalmente
motivados por buscar una buena forma de promociòn para una banda
emergente como es en este caso
A ustedes, quienes
siguen a Sangrìa, y de paso nuestro trabajo, y que tal vez esperaban
este lanzamiento, les pedimos disculpas... y a su vez, a Sangrìa por los
extensos meses de mal rato que solo entorpecieron parte de nuestra
calendarizaciòn del 2012... "Agnosis" se viene para mayo y de seguro
volarà cràneos.
Proyecto Sepulcro
On the
beginning of May we announced with great expectation a SPLIT CD between
the national band Sangría and the Americans Sourvein, all of this thanks
to the contact we established with Sourvein’s vocals and frontman, Troy Medlin.
Sourvein’s iconic status in the sludge scene motivated us to take on
this big project where, for the first time, a local underground band
would be involved with a band with a brief but well known career in
Our efforts as an independent and self-managed label
(something that Medlin was always aware of) allowed us to meet in record
time the UD$400 (deal set by Sourvein’s own frontman) that would be
sent to the US based band, amount that would be used for the recording
and editing of the material that would be sent to us on the beginning of
June, and later be included in the CD SPLIT.
Trouble started
when we tried to formalize the deal through a contract where the
different previously mentioned clauses were clarified, but this contract
that was never sent back to us properly signed and giving account of
the band’s agreement, but, Medlin, via email and Facebook, made us clear
that he agreed on the terms and conditions.
Since after the
deadline we had no material to account for, we insisted again with
Medlin, who this time told us that there would be no CD SPLIT. According
to what he says, he always “thought” that the split would be produced
on vinyl, and he manifested that the band was not interested in working
on a simple CD.
From that point on, our views on the subject
were inevitably distanced, and we had no choice but to ask for a refund
of our US$400. Nevertheless, Medlin once again failed to meet the refund
deadline, arguing that the band was soon to go on tour.
were patient and naïve and agreed to the other side’s arguments, setting
back the refund due date to the last week of October. After we thought
that this would be the end of the entangled project, Medlin once again
surprised us; He had come to an agreement with the band and his label
and they would work on a CD SPLIT.
Once again, we were taken by
fools. The interest, time and effort we had put into the project led us
to once again believe in Sourvein. Time passed and we had no answer
from Troy. The CD SPLIT was cancelled again due to Troy Medlin’s lack of
After a number of arguments via email through
November, December and January, where we were even threatened, our good
faith, fortunately, run out, irreversibly cancelling the project.
This ocean of lies led us to the decision as a label, to give up on our
funds, but mainly to uncover the scam in which we have been involved by
SOURVEIN and mainly its leader, Troy Medlin, and to expose this
unfortunate situation, pointing to Troy Medlin as a con artist.
Our apologies to you, who follow our and Sangría’s work, with its
unconditional attitude. And also apologies to Sangría, for the long
months of waiting in vain and the hindering of our 2012 calendar.
“Agnosis” will be out on May, and will surely knock some heads off.
Kind regards
Proyecto Sepulcro